
Thursday, March 14, 2013

Farewell Lunch

Today, after our customary four mile morning walk, fourteen of us got together for lunch. We typically get together for lunch once a month at the Sporting Club Lisboa hall in San Jose, CA.

Lunch was great. The meal today was " Carne de Porco  a Alentejana" also known as Portuguese Style Pork And Clams. It consists of chunks of pork, clams, and potatoes. This is how it looked like...

Carne de Porco à Alentejana 

...and it tasted even better. The food was accompanied with an adequate amount of white and red wine, both from Portugal.

Here are the guys going at it:

Clockwise from bottom left
Al Pastor, Larry Marques, George Besson, Ed Mitchell
Emilio de Sousa, Bob Sanchez, Mike Shannon
Manuel Silva, Fred Sousa, Manuel de Sousa
Henry Miranda, Lee Rodrigues, Ron Rodriguez
Behind the camera: Manuel Diaz

Finally, here is a short video clip:

Tomorrow I may have to walk twelve miles to burn off this meal.
I'll keep you posted...


  1. All this Portuguese food and wine, and I was not invited... (Tavares)

  2. Manuel... Looks like the "Peregrinos" are having a "Peregrinos Feast" just before the Grand walk on el Camino de Santiago de Compostela, Spain...The food looks so Delicious... Sorry I could have gone with you guys during this Delicious Gourmet meal... Really enjoyed the video of the meal...Thanks for sharing the photos too...You guys are having so much fun...

    Peregrinos tengan un buen camino!!!

    Saludos y un abrazo fuerte para todos!!!!

    Regulo Zapata Jr.
    Author: "Desperate Lands"
