
Monday, March 4, 2013

Four weeks to go!!!

Just four weeks from the start of the adventure!

We are departing on April second, arriving in Madrid on the third, and taking the train to Burgos on the fourth. Come April fifth, we start walking the Camino.

At this stage of preparations, we are almost done acquiring the equipment that we'll be carrying with us throughout the walk. We have also increased the amount of walking we are doing daily so as to improve our conditioning. While still overweight, I'm probably in the best shape I've been during the last fifteen years.

Speaking of conditioning, I have a wonderful application in my iPhone called Striiv  that keeps track of my daily activity. The application keeps track of steps taken, elapsed time while walking, distance covered, and calories burnt. All of us going on the walk have it installed on our iPhones (yes, we all have iPhones) and use it daily to monitor our activity. I really recommend this App.

As an example of the data Striiv provides, yesterday I walked 20,025 steps in 208 minutes, covered 9.2 miles, and burned 1440 calories. Over the last month the numbers are: 375,700 steps in 3,969 minutes (66.15 hours), covered 174 miles, and burned 28,507 calories. One beneficial side-effect from all this walking besides the obvious conditioning is that I lost 7 pounds! There are plenty more where these pounds came from...

Equipment wise, we all have our trail backpacks and have been purchasing so-called "performance" wear which is relatively light and keeps you warm or cool depending on conditions. One can expect to deal with a fair amount of rain at this time of year in the region of Spain where we'll be doing most of the walking so we all have rain jackets and waterproof hiking shoes. I'm also taking a poncho.

My plan is to blog everyday during our trek to keep family and friends informed and make everyone feel that they are part of our journey. This, of course, implies that we will have internet access. I'll be carrying a fair amount of "technology" to help me blog and publish with relative ease. I'll provide details on a separate post before the departure date. This is the first time I blog so any feedback is greatly appreciated.

In a forthcoming post I'll provide details on the set of characters that constitute the "Gilroy Amigos." You will want to be a bit familiar with the five of us...

Hasta pronto.


  1. Thank you Manuel for sharing this Blog link with us... How exciting it's going to be for you guys on this April 2013...I really wish I was going with you guys..My wife and I were there last year in late May 2012... We had the opportunity to do the short walk within the city of Santiago de Compostela known as the camino de santiago de compostela in Spain...A fascinating journey. The ceremony was fascinating to see when all the travelers were arriving to their final distination at the Santiago de Compostela Cathedral. A day that we will never forget... Looking forward to your updates while on your exciting journey...You guys are ready...wishing you all the Blessings and a Safe Journey...

    Regulo Zapata Jr.
    Author "Desperate Lands"

  2. Wahoo... Manuel I am impressed with your detailed, highly tecnical preparation, and I am looking forward to follow your adventure through your blog. I know people who have done el camino without half the preparation you are going through. Since you are going to be in Galicia so close to northern Portugal, Rita and I could probably meet up with you in Santiago de Compostela for a cup of coffee. (if you make it ... just kidding).

  3. Five amigos...congratulations. What an adventure! If all works well we will work your "camino" into the next issue of Gilroy Today....out the first week of June.
    I will try to go by First Street Coffee tomorrow to get a picture of the four of you.

    Larry Mickartz, Gilroy Today
